Mindful Surgical Healing©

What is Mindful Surgical Healing©?

Creating your Path to a Positive Surgical Experience and Optimal Healing

Facing a surgical procedure?  Experiencing fears and concerns about the surgery? Current Research shows that these thoughts and fears may actually create a negative medical experience and inhibit post-operative healing.

Recognizing the importance of your state of mind entering into surgery, my program, based on current Neuroscience Research, Mindfulness Psychology and ‘best practices’ of Integrative Health and Wellness, prepares you to enter into surgery confidently. You are empowered to create an ideal healing experience prior and following surgery.

Acknowledging that healing takes place from within, you will learn to tap into the wisdom of your entire body.  I teach specific techniques and strategies for patients to enter into the surgical experience as an active, confident member of your own medical team. The importance of creating a healing environment following surgery is also addressed.  The goal is for you to learn and choose these techniques not only for their surgical healing, but to continue making these choices to effectively live your life following surgery.

Ideally, the process begins 3-4 weeks before the surgical procedure but can be helpful at any point prior or post surgery.  The process involves three telephone or Zoom sessions prior to your surgery and two following surgery.

During these sessions, we explore thoughts, fears and beliefs you currently hold that can negatively affect your medical experience.  Together, we create new thoughts and specific techniques that foster the best possible surgical experience and healing. You also learn how to carry these techniques forward in your life when facing any stressful situation.

Please schedule a complimentary 30 minute call with Anna by calling 949-436-2662 or email anna@joyinliving.com to discuss the benefits of this program for you.


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Looking for an on-the-go way to move from chaos and confusion to clarity and calm?  Download this audio by Anna guiding you through the practice
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