My life passion is partnering with women in taking care of themselves and creating their own unique transformations, living their lives to the absolute fullest. I love supporting women in getting clarity about their own present state, defining what it is that they want to create, and then making it happen.
In working with my clients, I am able to draw upon my vast personal and professional experiences of over 50 years. I am currently a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Mentor. As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I had a private mental health counseling, consulting & training practice for over 25 years in Phoenix, Arizona. I have had the opportunity to successfully work with individuals and organizations from all areas of life, including healthcare, business, education, government, and churches. I have also taught at the university and community college level.
Over the years, I have transitioned into an even deeper developed process of Integrative/Interconnected Health and Wellness counseling, coaching, and mentoring, focusing Spiritually, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Relationally. My work has always been about seeing individuals and organizations with life challenges and possibilities, looking for what is ‘right’ with them, not with pathologies and what was ‘wrong’, moving forward from those perspectives.
My seasoned life experiences, along with a deep appreciation for each individual’s unique journey and a playful sense of humor, bring richness, depth, playfulness, and compassion to my work.
A life-long learner, my present focus is studying with and teaching the intuitive wisdom of the heart through the Heart Math Institute, a global research and educational organization out of Boulder Creek, California,, whose purpose and mission is to help activate the heart of humanity. I recognize that it is only through the qualities of the heart: love, compassion, appreciation, peace, joy, and kindness that we will navigate through this current time, as collectively we heal and birth a new humanity.
Currently, I have been ‘called’ to host a monthly Zoom gathering of women, ages 25-97, across North America. It began with my deep concern about how women, the primary caregivers, were navigating through the uncharted territory of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. We have continued into the present. My intention has been to create a space where women can safely come together, step into a pause, and quiet their minds and souls. We use this time to learn and live practices of mindful Soul-care to build and strengthen heart-based resilience through enhancing the immune system, awakening intuitive heart intelligence and wisdom, managing the intelligent energy system, Tapping into Emotional Freedom, and mindfully designing life. I’d love to have you join us. If you are interested, please register here, or if you have more questions, email me at
Educationally, I have a BS in Social Science and an MS in Counseling, both from Purdue University. Being a life-long learner, I have continually sought out and added to my knowledge and experience what has made sense to me and what I thought would most benefit my clients from a holistic view. This has included the works of Drs. Andrew Weil, Deepak Chopra, William Glasser, Joan Borysenko, Jack Kornfield, Dan Siegel, Fr. Richard Rohr, Brene Brown, Daniel Amen, Wayne Dyer and Carolyn Myss, Byron Katie, Louise Hay, and Edwards Deming, to name just a few.
Since 1980, I have had the privilege of studying and working with Dr. William Glasser, and remain on his senior faculty, teaching Choice Theory, Reality Therapy, and Quality Management. In 2006 I completed the year-long NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Coach Certification program through the NLP and Coaching Institute of California. In 2017 I completed the certification program as a Peace Ambassador through The Shift Network. I became a Certified HeartMath Coach/Mentor with the HeartMath Institute in 2019.
I am currently in absolute delight as I complete the manuscript for my first book: Awakenings on Your Soul’s Journey: A Woman’s Guide for Identifying and Releasing Struggle, Living in the Flow of Mindful Self-Care, Healing, Health, and Miracles.
As a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, I am so very grateful to offer the brilliance and transformative experiences of Mindfulness and Energy Psychology, Choice Theory, NLP, HeartMath, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and the most current Integrative Health and Wellness ‘Best Practices’ approaches, based in Neuroscience, as my foundation of working together with you. This is my promise to you: I am as interested in you as a woman as you are. Working together with you truly is my life passion and purpose. We will stay focused in defining and creating the sustainable transformation you desire. Side by side, we will work purposefully, playfully, and successfully together.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948)
Contact Anna: 949-436-2662 or