If you are feeling overwhelmed, frightened, or confused with everything currently happening within your life and/or around our world, please know you are not alone.  We are all traveling through this Uncharted Territory together.  As I reflect on these times, I am reminded of guidance from the beloved Vietnamese Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh:

When the crowded Vietnamese refugee boats met with storms or pirates, if everyone panicked, all would be lost. But if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered, it was enough.  It showed the way for everyone to survive.  – Thich Nhat Hanh

We are all on this boat together.  I’d like to share a process for you to move from overwhelming, chaos and confusion to clarity and calm … in the moment. The most rapid and most effortless path is through the gift of our breath.  I invite you to take a moment to join me in a Heart-Focused Coherence breathing practice. I learned this practice in my studies with the Institute of Heartmath, a research and educational center in Boulder Creek, CA, dedicated to activating the Heart of Humanity (www.heartmath.com).

Because this is an ‘on the go’ practice, it is important to do it with your eyes open.  It is not a relaxation practice, but rather creates a calm alertness, in the moment.  It activates the calming centers in your heart and your brain, quieting fear and anxiety.  It’s ideal to do throughout the day, ideally once an hour, while driving, in a meeting, during a meal, etc.  It only takes a few moments.

Sit tall and put a smile on your face (just the act of smiling activates happiness regions of your brain).

Heart-focused/Coherence Breathing:

Focus your attention on the area of your heart.  Perhaps place your hand on your heart.  Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your belly, expanding your heart area, breathing a little slower and deeper than usual, perhaps 4 seconds on your inhale, and 8 seconds on your exhale, whatever rhythm is comfortable for you.  Now, make a sincere attempt to experience, and sustain, a renewing or regenerative feeling such as appreciation, or care for someone or something in your life.

Continue to breathe that emotion slowly and deeply into your heart and out from your heart.  Continue this practice for at least 1 minute, ideally 3 minutes.

Again, my encouragement/plea is for you to practice this throughout the day, especially when you are noticing that your thoughts and emotions are drifting to fear, anxiety, confusion, and chaos.  By focusing your attention on your heart, you are activating the Wisdom of your Heart.  Your slow, deep breathing activates calming centers in your nervous system.  It also sends a message to your brain that you are safe.  You wouldn’t be breathing like this if a tiger was chasing you!  This is calm heart-led safety, rhythmic heart/brain coherence through your breath, your heart, while feeling a regenerative emotion such as appreciation or care for someone or something.

I send blessings of heart-based peace, love, and joy to you and all your families. We’re on this boat together. Together, we are navigating through this Uncharted Territory of overwhelm, chaos, and confusion with clarity and calm, one sacred breath at a time.

Love, Anna

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